
Smoking Gun? DOJ’s Shady Investigation Involved Biden Pal, Chinese Spy Chief

A memo released by the Heritage Foundation Oversight Project has revealed concerning irregularities in the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation and prosecution of Patrick Ho, a Chinese energy boss and associate of the Biden family. The memo alleges that the DOJ concealed known connections between the Bidens and the Chinese Communist Party-linked entity, as well as communication between Hunter Biden and FBI agents involved in Ho’s case. This raises serious questions about the integrity of the investigation and the potential political motivations behind it.

Furthermore, the memo highlights that Ho was under FISA surveillance while he was in regular communication with both CEFC and the Biden family, suggesting that the FBI and DOJ were aware of their business arrangements as early as 2017, and possibly even in 2016. The fact that mentions of the Biden family, particularly Hunter Biden, were redacted from evidence presented at Ho’s trial also raises suspicions. Why would the DOJ go to such lengths to avoid any political connection to the Bidens?

The memo also questions why Hunter Biden, who was a direct witness in the case, was allowed attorney-client privilege as Ho’s legal representation. Additionally, Hunter was asked by one of Ho’s attorneys to provide the names of FBI agents he had spoken with, which is undoubtedly a highly questionable request.

Mike Howell, Director for the Oversight Project at The Heritage Foundation, argues that this memo adds to the growing body of evidence that the Biden family is corrupt and involved with individuals connected to Chinese intelligence. He suggests that the DOJ’s actions in this case represent a rigged system of justice that is trying to bury a major national security threat.

The memo concludes by calling on Congress to use its oversight authorities to bring transparency to this case. It lists a series of questions that Congress should seek answers to, including the Intelligence Community’s knowledge of CEFC and its links to the Chinese Communist Party, the FBI and DOJ’s surveillance of communications between the Biden family and CEFC, and the impact of references to the Biden family on the investigation into Ho.

It is clear that there are serious concerns about the DOJ’s handling of the Patrick Ho investigation. The American people deserve answers, and Congress must step up and do its job to hold the DOJ accountable. The integrity of our justice system and our national security are at stake, and it is time for transparency and honesty to prevail.

Written by Staff Reports

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