
Supreme Court Shuts Down Dems: Trump Wins Immunity Appeal in Election Showdown

On Wednesday, the United States Supreme Court made a smart move by deciding to hear an appeal on former President Donald Trump’s assertion of presidential immunity in his ongoing prosecution. This is a huge win for President Trump and the rule of law, as it puts a halt to deranged Special Counsel Jack Smith’s attempt to interfere in the 2024 Presidential Election and support Joe Biden’s campaign.

The Trump team couldn’t contain their excitement, with campaign representative Steven Cheung declaring, “They waited almost three years to bring this hoax ‘case’ and are now desperately trying, and failing, to rush it because they know President Trump is dominating the election.” It’s about time they realized that the American people, not the courts, should decide who becomes president.

The Supreme Court’s ruling imposes a ‘Stay’ order on the proceedings against Trump, which is a relief. However, it’s important to note that the gag order against him is still in place. The Supreme Court’s decision does not release the requirements of existing subpoenas or discovery either. It’s clear that there are still attempts to muzzle President Trump and prevent him from defending himself.

Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is presiding over the case against Trump, may have recognized the implications of the Supreme Court’s decision. She issued an order stating, “Defendant’s appeal automatically stays any further proceedings that would move this case towards trial or impose additional burdens of litigation on Defendant.” It’s about time someone acknowledged the need to protect President Trump from unnecessary litigation.

CNN’s Elie Honig has warned about the dangers of Smith’s request for the Supreme Court’s involvement and the vulnerability of the case against former President Trump. It’s clear that this case is not only a threat to Trump but also to the hundreds of January 6th protestors. The Supreme Court will now consider appeals from defendants Joseph Fischer, Edward Lang, and Garret Miller, who are facing charges similar to Trump’s.

These defendants are seeking to have their charges dismissed, arguing that the Justice Department’s interpretation of the law is overreaching. They believe that participating in a protest shouldn’t be considered “corruptly” obstructing an official proceeding. It’s refreshing to see these individuals standing up against the Biden Department of Justice’s attempts to criminalize dissent and peaceful protests.

The Supreme Court’s decision to hear Trump’s appeal is a step in the right direction for justice and the preservation of our democracy. It is essential that we protect the rights of individuals, including former presidents, to ensure that the American people have the final say in our elections. Let’s hope that the Supreme Court sees through the attempts to undermine President Trump and the millions of Americans who support him.

Written by Staff Reports

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