
‘Tax Bosses Shield Hunter Biden: D.C, California Prosecutors Block Charges!’

In a bombshell revelation, another IRS agent has come forward to confirm that prosecutors in Washington D.C. and California blocked charges against Hunter Biden. The agent, Darrell Waldon, testified before the House Ways and Means Committee that U.S. Attorney David Weiss was unable to prosecute Hunter Biden in those jurisdictions due to the interference from prosecutors. This echoes the claims made by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley earlier this year.

This latest testimony raises serious questions about the integrity of the investigation into Hunter Biden. It appears that there were individuals within the Department of Justice who were determined to protect the president’s son from facing any consequences for his alleged illegal activities. It’s a classic case of political interference at the highest levels of government.

And let’s not forget the sweetheart plea agreement that Weiss ultimately reached with Hunter Biden. This agreement, which quickly fell apart under scrutiny, allowed Hunter Biden to avoid serious charges in Washington D.C. and California. Instead, he was only charged with gun-related offenses in Delaware. This selective and lenient treatment is a clear example of the double standard that exists in our justice system.

Attorney General Merrick Garland recently testified that no one had the authority to block Weiss from charging Hunter Biden. However, Waldon’s testimony directly contradicts this claim. It’s clear that there were individuals within the DOJ who were able to prevent charges from being filed against Hunter Biden. This raises serious concerns about the integrity of our justice system and the ability of law enforcement to hold powerful individuals accountable.

It’s time for a full investigation into this matter. The American people deserve to know the truth about what happened and whether there was political interference in the case against Hunter Biden. Our justice system must be fair and impartial, regardless of who is involved. Anything less undermines the confidence we have in our government and its ability to uphold the rule of law.

Written by Staff Reports

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