
Ted Cruz Unveils Plan To Lock SCOTUS At 9 Justices

As Democrats advocate for court-packing and other significant transformations to our judiciary, safeguarding the integrity of the Supreme Court is paramount. Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas, has taken the initiative to reintroduce a constitutional amendment on Wednesday. This amendment guarantees that the number of justices serving on the U.S. Supreme Court will always be limited to nine, thus ensuring the court's integrity.

The resolution, which would be submitted to the states for ratification after receiving approval from Congress, was initially obtained by The Daily Caller. Senator Cruz introduced the amendment in 2021 and has subsequently gained support from a variety of conservative groups, such as the Keep Nine Coalition, Americans for Limited Government, AMAC Action, Americans for Tax Reform, and the Eagle Forum.

The amendment proposed by Senator Cruz is an essential measure to safeguard our judicial system against the Democrats' radical program. Although Senate Democrats have not publicly stated their support for court-packing or increasing the number of seats on the Supreme Court, Senate Republicans have warned that such actions will occur if Democrats gain full control. In an October 2020 interview on MSNBC, then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer stated that Democrats could consider all possibilities, including the court, if they regained control of the Senate in the upcoming November elections.

The Democrats' unwavering determination to appoint liberal justices who will support their radical program and rule in their favor is evident. Hence, Senator Cruz's constitutional amendment is critical as it is the only solution to halt the Democrats from packing the court. The amendment would ensure that the Supreme Court remains an independent entity that upholds the Constitution and the rule of law.

Cruz’s amendment is a necessary step to protect our judicial system from the Democrats’ radical agenda and their attempts to rig our democracy. It is time for Congress to pass this amendment and ensure that our Supreme Court remains independent and impartial for generations to come.

Written by Staff Reports

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