
The Biden Administration Won’t Investigate Police Response to the Texas School Massacre

The White House has not ordered a review of the police reaction to the school massacre that murdered 19 children and two adults, despite the fact that more parents are wondering why police did not enter Robb Elementary School in Uvalde sooner.

One reporter posed the question to the President, asking whether or not he believed there needed to be an inquiry into how the police responded to the recent school massacre.

According to Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, the President has the utmost respect for the men and women of law enforcement and has been keeping a watch on the situation.

She went on to say that Biden had just recently paid tribute to the memory of former Buffalo police officer Aaron Salter, who was one of ten people who were shot and died in a supermarket shooting in Buffalo earlier this month. Salter was one of the victims.

Jean-Pierre continued by saying, “I know that right now authorities are working to piece together more details of what happened in Uvalde, so we won’t prejudge the results from here at this time”.

19 students and two adults were killed by Salvador Ramos, an 18-year-old who entered the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde and began firing. Investigators are still piecing together the chain of events leading up to and during the atrocity.

The parents who had gathered outside the school soon after they had been notified of the news screamed angrily at the cops, demanding that they take some action. According to reports, Ramos had been present in the building for at least forty minutes prior to the agents from the United States Border Patrol storming into the classroom where Ramos was present and opening fire on him.

The federal marshals who work for the Department of Justice, which is overseen by the Biden administration’s Department of Justice, put handcuffs on one of the mothers who tried to rush inside the school.

Parents said that when they arrived at the site of the school shooting, police were still standing outside. Because the police officers were “unprepared,” according to a witness who lost a daughter, people in the crowd almost planned to move inside the facility at once.

As soon as Angeli Rose Gomez heard about the incident, she quickly drove 40 kilometers to the school to see what was going on. When she got there, the school was shut down and the officers were simply standing outside the gate doing nothing.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on The Post Millennial.

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