
The Release of More Twitter Files Shows Bias and Censorship

Documents pertaining to Twitter's blacklisting practices and the discretion of its workers in determining which content users saw were made public on Thursday night.

Journalist Bari Weiss disclosed in her second batch of Twitter files that teams of Twitter workers have banned, reduced the visibility of, and stopped specific content from trending on the platform. “without informing users.”

It was reported that Stanford pediatrician Dr. Jay Bhattacharya disagreed, stating that children suffered as a result of COVID lockdowns. His Twitter was blocked, so nobody could see his updates. For the same reason, Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA and a conservative activist and radio talk show host, was banned by Twitter workers so that his tweets would not be seen.

Despite Twitter's denials of shadow bans, one programmer confessed that the company does manage visibility "quite a bit" behind the scenes.

Executives including Head of Legal and Trust Vijaya Gadde, Global Head of Trust and Safety Yoel Roth, and later CEOs Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal were all involved in making these choices.

Those executives gained access to an account called "libsoftiktok," which would be banned six times in 2022.

In defending the bans, the organization said that the account actively promoted harassment, especially against medical professionals.

Contradiction alert: Twitter did nothing when "libsoftiktok" account head Chaya Raichik compared her suspensions to the publication of her personal information.

According to the social networking site, no rules were broken.

Reporter Matt Taibbi plans to reveal other documents at a later time.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Oann.

Written by Staff Reports

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