
The Woke Mob’s Thought Police Now Targeting Texas Hospitals

The six-step apology process is designed to help people put their behavior in perspective. It starts by acknowledging the harm that has been done and offering to fix it. Then, one must "repent for the problem" and "ask forgiveness."

In documents obtained by Do No Harm, a medical watchdog group, a Texas hospital reportedly required its employees to undergo implicit bias training. The group shared a list that included microaggressions that they should have apologized for, such as asking someone if they spoke English. According to the Washington Examiner, employees of a healthcare system in West

Texas were required to take part in implicit bias training. The training noted that asking someone if they speak English was a micro-aggression.
It is absurd to think that this training was even necessary. It shows the extent to which liberal lunacy and woke ideals are taking over.

A medical watchdog group claimed that a hospital in West Texas required its staff members to take an implicit bias course that referred to a question about whether or not they speak English as a microaggression.

The diversity, inclusion, and equity goals of Providence are stated on its website. According to the healthcare system, it prioritizes diversity in its hiring and promotion processes. It also has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to behaviors that promote stereotypes or biases. It acknowledges that health disparities are a result of longstanding inequities.

According to Laura Morgan, the program manager of Do No Harm, the documents revealed how deeply radical ideologies have infiltrated the nation's healthcare system. According to Morgan, the various integrated health systems in the country, such as Covenant, must stop using dubious ideologies and provide their employees with the best possible training.

The documents also revealed how the hospital system would likely find out if an individual needs a translator when they start interacting with a patient. For instance, if the patient is in critical condition and they need help understanding what happened to them, they would probably need a translator.

What's the point of having hospital insurance if they're going to pay for the incompetence of the managers? I guess this is why leftists support this type of training, but it is getting a little bit absurd. Even those who agree with the need for the training can only predict how far these agendas will go.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on NEXT.

Written by Staff Reports

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