
TikTok Censors Documentary Exposing CCP Atrocities

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) seems to have a new ally: TikTok. The app targeted the Acton Institute, a think tank that stands for individual and religious freedom, by suspending their account without any reason. After the Acton Institute complained, TikTok reinstated the account but removed two videos promoting a documentary criticizing the CCP until they were also restored on Thursday. However, they failed to provide any explanation for the sudden suspension or removal of the videos.

The Acton Institute’s Communication Director, Eric Kohn, expressed his frustration with the social media platform, claiming that the constant back and forth highlights TikTok’s caprice. He stated that TikTok gave no indication of how Acton’s videos violated their “community guidelines,” leading to confusion and exasperation on the Institute’s end.

TikTok first removed a video promoting a new documentary by Acton called “The Hong Konger: Jimmy Lai’s Extraordinary Struggle For Freedom” that the Institute released on April 18. The documentary explores Jimmy Lai’s imprisonment for protesting against the Chinese government in Hong Kong. It depicts Hong Kong police tear-gassing and attacking peaceful protesters, but TikTok claimed that it contained “violent and graphic content.” Subsequently, TikTok suspended Acton’s account without any warning, but later reinstated it. However, the platform removed two more videos promoting “The Hong Konger” documentary, stating that they “violated community guidelines,” without any further explanation.

The Acton Institute believes that TikTok’s CEO Shou Zi Chew testified falsely before Congress in March, declaring that TikTok does not remove or promote content on behalf of the Chinese government. Acton’s Communication Director, Eric Kohn, states that they are not surprised, as TikTok wants to block out the truth of China’s atrocities and subjugation of the people of Hong Kong. Kohn states that the documentary exposes China’s persecution of Jimmy Lai and others for supporting democracy and human rights.

It seems that TikTok’s recent series of actions are yet another attempt by the CCP and its supporters to censor and manipulate the truth. Because as far as TikTok is concerned, it’s “TikTok rules or nothing at all.”

Written by Staff Reports

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