
Trump Approval Soars, Dems Doubt Biden: 2024 Showdown Looms

The liberal media may be celebrating former President Donald Trump’s recent indictment, but his approval rating among Republicans remains unscathed. A CBS News poll commissioned by YouGov showed that an overwhelming 61% of Republican voters want Trump as their nominee in the next Presidential election. In contrast, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Trump’s nearest competitor in the poll, only had a measly 23% in his favor. Clearly, Trump’s supporters remain loyal, despite the barrage of politically motivated charges against him.

Republican voters recognize the witch hunt to take down their beloved leader and who can blame them? With 76% saying the charges are politically motivated, it’s clear the accusations are simply a ploy to damage Trump’s reputation. Sadly, it’s not surprising that the liberal elites and their media partners would resort to such tactics to stop Trump from running again.

Of course, none of these charges have affected voters’ opinions of Trump. In fact, 61% of surveyed Republican voters stated that Trump’s handling of classified documents did not impact their view of him. Even more astonishing, 14% of responders said their opinion of Trump improved after hearing about his indictment.

Trump’s popularity shows that the GOP base desires a candidate with clear and actionable plans for the country. And that’s precisely what they look for in their Presidential nominee. A staggering 96% of responders stated that Trump should discuss his plans for the country, while only 32% were interested in the 2020 election results. This speaks volumes about the priorities of the Republican Party and shows that they’re ready to move forward, rather than relitigate the past or run on empty promises.

Meanwhile, the poll reveals worrying numbers for President Joe Biden. A mere 58% of Democrats believe that Biden should even seek re-election. And this number drops to 25% among independents. This sentiment is largely because of the concerns over his ability to finish another term in office, according to 44% of the 42% of Democratic voters who do not believe Biden should seek re-election.

Republicans seek a candidate with a plan to tackle the pressing issues of inflation and taxes. By contrast, the Democrats seem unsure about their sitting President, and their voters are not confident that he can complete his term. Biden’s failure to resonate with voters, coupled with Trump’s unwavering popularity among Republicans, sets the stage for an incredible presidential race in 2024.

Source: Conservative Institute

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