
Trump Ditches GOP Debate, Courts Union Vote Instead!

Former President Donald Trump has once again decided to skip out on a GOP debate, this time at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California, in favor of a trip to Michigan. It seems like Trump just can’t resist the allure of the Motor City, as he plans to address over 500 workers, including those at auto factories. The New York Times originally reported on this, and it’s clear that Trump is trying to win over the hearts and minds of United Auto Workers members who are currently on strike.

But it’s not just about the workers. Trump is also using this opportunity to take shots at President Joe Biden and his green electric vehicle agenda. Trump wants to shift the blame onto Biden, making him out to be the bad guy in the auto industry’s struggles. It’s a clever move on Trump’s part, as he knows that the Democrats need Michigan to win the next election. By targeting Biden and putting a focus on Michigan, Trump is showing that he means business.

Now, this isn’t the first time Trump has decided to skip out on a debate. He did the same thing for the first debate, instead opting for an interview with Tucker Carlson. Trump knows how to play the game, and he’s not afraid to do things his own way. This time around, he’s passing on the chance to debate and is taking his message directly to the people in Michigan. It’s a risky move, but it just might pay off for him in the long run.

As Trump said to NBC News, he’s on the side of making our country great. And he believes that the auto workers have been let down by their leadership. Trump wants their endorsement, and he’s not afraid to go after Biden to get it. With the strike happening right now, it’s a hot topic that will surely come up at the next debate. And while the other Republican candidates may be trailing behind Trump, he’s focusing on the bigger picture – getting another shot at the presidency in 2024.

So buckle up, folks. Trump is hitting the road and taking his message straight to the people. And if history is any indication, he knows how to make an impact. It’s going to be an interesting ride, that’s for sure.

Written by Staff Reports

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