
Trump HAMMERS Biden On Immigration Issue, Numbers Back Him Up

The apprehensions of people at the border with Mexico in November were alarming, and President Donald Trump is taking issue with Joe Biden's handling of the situation. According to the President, Biden's handling of the situation has resulted in the worst numbers in history. This latest attack on the former Vice President is no surprise, as Trump has been vocal about his desire to secure the border.

Trump has criticized the former Vice President for allowing the situation to get worse. According to Trump, Biden's administration allowed the apprehensions of illegal immigrants and border security to plummet.

Statistics released by the US Customs and Border Protection revealed that there were more immigrants apprehended trying to enter the country illegally in November than any month since the agency began keeping records. The alarming figure has prompted Biden and his team to address the issue in order to safeguard the country's borders.

In a post on his social media platform, Trump claimed that two years ago, the US had the strongest and safest border in the history of the country. He also praised the efforts of his administration's border security agencies, such as the US Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. However, now, the country's border is regarded as the worst in the world.

Trump has been keeping a close eye on the border as it continues to spiral into chaos. He was able to address the situation before Christmas by taking issue with Biden's performance as a president.


The number of illegal immigrants apprehended at the border has increased significantly since October. In total, 283,189 people were apprehended for crossing the border illegally.

The number of illegal immigrants apprehended at the border in November was five times greater than in November 2019, when 57,524 were apprehended before the coronavirus outbreak.

In addition to the border violations that were reported in California and Texas, the number of people apprehended for crossing the border illegally also increased in various areas. For instance, during the fiscal year 2022, the US Border Patrol's Miami sector apprehended more than 500 percent more people.

According to a US Border Patrol agent, the agency apprehended over 2,000 foreign nationals who tried to illegally enter Florida using boats from September 1, 2021 to October 31, 2022. Most of them were Cubans. During that period, the agency was able to intercept 131 maritime smuggling attempts.

The agent noted that the apprehensions in December are expected to be even worse than those in the previous year. During the first three weeks of the year, the number of immigrants apprehended at the Miami Sector has already surpassed the previous year's total.

After seeing the alarming statistics about the border security, Trump took issue with the performance of former Vice President Joe Biden. He said that the Biden administration had failed to follow the same standards that were implemented during his time in office. The border is now regarded as the worst it has been in the world. It's time for the former vice president to take immediate action to address the situation.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Next News Network.

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