
Trump Strikes Back: Dubs Biden a True Democracy Danger

In a blistering new memo, Trump's campaign has done a complete 180, painting President Biden as the real "menace to our democracy." Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, the campaign managers, didn't hold back, dismissing the upcoming Republican contests and reframing the entire election as a showdown solely between Trump and Biden. They cautioned readers about the genuine danger they believe Biden and his allies pose, branding them as a force relentlessly assaulting democracy in ways previously unseen in American history.

This memo serves as a counterstrike to Biden's repeated accusations that Trump imperils democracy. Trump's team isn't taking these accusations lying down. They're throwing punches back, alleging that Biden is using governmental power to target political adversaries, akin to a dictator in a third-world nation. According to them, "Joe Biden is the one tearing down the foundations of American democracy."

LaCivita and Wiles launched a scathing attack on what they termed as "unprecedented legal actions by political rivals" against Trump. They argue that these actions aren't solely against the former president but are, in reality, indictments against millions of hardworking, freedom-loving Americans nationwide. Additionally, they accused these so-called "Deep State operatives" of pushing the country toward another foreign conflict, encroaching upon citizens' constitutional rights, and jeopardizing America's independence.

Regarding the upcoming Republican contests, LaCivita and Wiles brushed them aside, confidently asserting Trump's dominance in national and early state polls like Iowa and New Hampshire. They downplayed Nikki Haley's rise in popularity, alleging that she's attempting to sway the GOP contest by rallying non-Republicans and Democrats into a "Coalition of the unwilling" against Trump.

Responding to the memo, Haley's spokesperson fired back, claiming that "Trump's spending millions attacking Nikki with false ads because Nikki is gaining traction, and Trump is feeling threatened." Similarly, Vivek Ramaswamy's campaign promised a "big surprise" in the Iowa caucuses, refuting the notion that the primary is a sure win for Trump.


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