
Trump Torches GOP Senators: “Career Suicide” with Border Bill!

Donald Trump, the former President of the United States, did not hold back when criticizing the Senate’s bipartisan border security deal and foreign aid bill. In a fiery interview with NewsMax’s Rob Schmitt Tonight, Trump warned Senate Republicans that supporting the bill could spell the end of their political careers. He labeled the bill as a “Democrat trap” and lambasted Republicans willing to sign off on it, calling them “stupid” and “foolish.”

The 370-page bill, with a whopping $118.3 billion in funding, includes provisions such as $60 billion for Ukraine, $20 billion for U.S. border security, and $14 million to aid Israel in its conflict with Gaza. Trump, along with House Speaker Mike Johnson and Majority Leader Steve Scalise, expressed strong opposition to the bill, with Johnson declaring it “dead on arrival” in the House.

Trump didn’t hold back his criticism of the bill, deeming it “one of the worst, one of the dumbest bills” he’s ever seen. He specifically highlighted the border security aspect, emphasizing that during his administration, they built “561 miles of wall” along the southern border. While the accuracy of this claim has been debated, Trump asserted that his border policies were effective without the need for such a bill.

The former President’s scathing remarks did not spare Senator James Lankford, one of the negotiators of the bill, as Trump expressed disbelief at the negotiation process and the outcome. He adamantly rejected the need for a bill, emphasizing that his border policies had ensured the safest border in U.S. history without the need for additional legislation.

In Trump’s view, the bill is not only detrimental to the country’s border security but also a potential career-ending move for the Republicans supporting it. His blunt and unapologetic critique aligns with the opposition voiced by House Republicans, illustrating a unified front against the contentious bill.

Written by Staff Reports

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