
Twitter Employees Below 2,000 After Elon Musk’s Latest Layoffs

Hundreds of employees were laid off by Twitter over the weekend, which means that the company's workforce now stands at less than 2,000.

According to a report from the New York Times, Twitter laid off about 200 employees on Saturday. The company's actions were reportedly triggered by its decision to end its agreement with Slack. Many of the employees affected by the layoffs were former executives of the company.

Since November, when CEO Elon Musk said that the company would not be laying off any more workers, the number of layoffs on Saturday was one of the largest.

Some of the individuals who were laid off by Twitter included Esther Crawford, the head of the company's Blue team, and Harad Thorleifsson, the director of the design studio. Twitter also cut down on the number of engineers and data scientists who were involved in maintaining the platform's operations.

Last week, Twitter temporarily cut off its employees' access to Slack. The employees were informed that the platform was down for routine maintenance.

In November, Musk had fired thousands of employees. The company's staffing issues became worse after he told employees to either sign on to work for a "hardcore" Twitter or resign with benefits. Many of them left the company after being told that their popularity had diminished.

Since then, Musk has been working on improving the company's operations and increasing its revenue. On February 16, the company allowed marijuana advertisers to start advertising on Twitter.

The preceding article is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Washington Examiner

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