
Unhinged California Teacher Busted for Tipsy Lesson!

Life as a California educator must be so unbearable that it drove one teacher to drink on the job. A teacher in the Inland Empire found themselves in hot water after being arrested for Teaching Under the Influence, or TUI for short. Yes, you read that right. Apparently, this educator thought it was a good idea to bring their boozy habits into the classroom.

The incident unfolded last Thursday morning when a member of the school staff noticed the teacher’s apparent drunken state while they were trying to educate their students. Imagine being a student and having to sit through a lesson with a teacher who can barely stand up straight. Talk about a recipe for disaster. It’s no wonder the school staff swiftly alerted the authorities.

The teacher in question, Clifford Harper, was promptly arrested by San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Deputies and taken into custody. He is now potentially facing charges of public intoxication and child endangerment. It’s truly shocking to think that someone responsible for shaping young minds could be so reckless and irresponsible.

This isn’t the first time a California teacher has made headlines for teaching while intoxicated. It seems like this state has a recurring problem with educators who can’t handle their liquor. Just last year, another teacher named Teagen Leonhart was arrested for a similar offense. Is it too much to ask for teachers to be sober while they’re molding the minds of our children?

It’s a good thing that Harper is on administrative leave while law enforcement investigates the matter. It’s clear that someone with such poor judgment shouldn’t be entrusted with the education and well-being of our children. Let’s hope that this incident serves as a wake-up call for other educators who think they can get away with teaching while under the influence. Our kids deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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