
VP Harris SILENCED by Former Running Opponent

During the 2020 presidential election, the former opponent of Kamala Harris, who is now the US Vice President, made it clear that the two were polar opposites on the issue of immigration. In the past, she had called for stricter border security. On the weekend, former presidential candidate and Democrat Tulsi Gabbard took to Twitter to criticize Harris' claim that the southern border is secure.

On Saturday, the former candidate criticized Harris for saying that the southern border is secure, which she claimed was either completely false or she was lying. She added that she had no business running for president if she was still in office.

Last week, it was reported that Harris had told NBC's Chuck Todd that the border is secure. According to the US Customs and Border Protection, there were 199,000 immigrants apprehended at the border in July. This figure is more than the number of people who crossed the border in October and November of last year. According to the Washington Examiner, the total number of people who crossed the border since October 2020 has already exceeded the 1.7 million who crossed in September 2021.

After reading the tweet from former candidate and Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, Harris is reportedly livid. It shows how out of touch the Biden administration is on issues related to immigration.

Written by Staff Reports

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