
WATCH: Biden Press Sec. Fails Miserably Trying To Defend Fetterman Debate

Karine Jean-Pierre, Joe Biden's press secretary, was in complete shock following John Fetterman's performance in the debate versus Dr. Mehmet Oz on Tuesday night. Though you'd think she would have given the eagerly awaited question a little more thought, it's very clear that she just made it up on the spot.

Concerns raised by the performance of Lt. Governor John Fetterman (D-PA) during his Tuesday night debate versus Dr. Mehmet Oz were danced around by Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House communications secretary (R-PA).

According to The Washington Examiner, Fetterman, who had a stroke in May, used closed captioning during the event on Tuesday and even mentioned that he was still recovering.

At the White House press briefing on Wednesday, Jean-Pierre told reporters that she was unable to ask President Joe Biden if he had seen the debate. She emphasised that he hopes to collaborate with the lieutenant governor to cut family expenses "when he is in the Senate," nevertheless.

Yet, throughout Tuesday night, Fetterman struggled, and reporters constantly questioned Jean-Pierre as to whether Biden was worried.

Fetterman was a complete disaster throughout the discussion, as we described in a story earlier this week.

The Washington Free Beacon has put up a list of just a few of his worst incidents.

Jean Karine

The Biden administration's denial of John Fetterman's vulnerability is further demonstrated by Pierre's response to his dismal debate performance. With his current health concerns, Fetterman has no business being in politics, and his lack of readiness only serves to reinforce that. However, KJP chooses to avoid dealing with these issues and to defend the unavailing. Like they did with Biden, it is obvious that the White House is engaging in additional fabrications and misinformation. Additionally, Biden's mirror in Fetterman lacks the ability to serve as an effective representative for our country. Change is needed, and KJP, Fetterman, and Biden must leave.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Next News Network.

Written by Staff Reports

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