
WATCH: RINO Paul Ryan Comes Out Of Nowhere To Bash Trump

Who would have thought that Rino Ryan would still be active in politics? Rino Ryan, however, has resumed his usual antics of attacking President Trump and other members of the conservative movement.

I'm a conservative. It's hard for me to believe that Paul Ryan is going to repeat this. He is currently making ludicrous statements that have the potential to bring down our party and kill any possibility of Trump being elected. Since I'm being honest, Paul Ryan should have known years ago that picking a fight with Trump only invites more trouble for themselves.

Caller writes on a daily basis. According to Fox Business, former House Speaker Paul Ryan believes that anyone not named Trump may win the Republican nomination for president in 2024. On October 25, during an interview on Varney & Co. on Fox Business, Ryan stated that the Republican Party will want to win so desperately that it won't nominate Donald Trump for president.

As a result of Trump's lack of support among voters in the suburbs, Ryan believes that it is more likely than not that the Republican Party will suffer a loss under Trump's leadership. He continued by saying that the Republican Party is going to want to win.

Paul Ryan and President Trump have a complicated history together and do not particularly care for one another.

According to the Washington Post.

In response to Paul Ryan's request that the Republican Party not place too much emphasis on any one individual, former President Donald Trump referred to Paul Ryan as a scourge to the Republican Party.

Speaking at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, Ryan made obvious who he was aiming his address at, but not mentioning Trump by name. Later, in his remarks, Ryan thanked Trump for pushing real conservative policies, something Ryan praised in his prepared remarks.

The former leader of the United States stated that Paul Ryan should be considered a "curse" for the Republican Party. Trump called Ryan a RINO and claimed he does nothing for our forward-surging Republican Party, and added, He has no sense as to what has to be done for our nation, was a weak and ineffective leader and spends all of his time battling Republicans opposed to Democrats who are ruining our country.

Once again, House Speaker Paul Ryan has spoken out against President Trump and the Republican Party, earning him the nickname RINO Ryan from conservatives. Who knew Ryan was still actively involved in politics? This loser should hang up his hat and go fishing instead of repeatedly bringing shame on the party with his flimsy justifications and lack of support for our leader. It's time for him to resign. Ryan asserts that there is a greater chance that the party will lose with Trump at the helm, but he couldn't be more wrong in his assessment of the situation. Trump is our best hope of defeating Biden in November and guiding the party to victory in 2024. He is also our best hope of beating Hillary Clinton. Ryan lacks the moral fiber to acknowledge this fact. True conservatives who support President Trump should not have to put up with Ryan or any of the other RINOs in the House of Representatives; they are a disgrace to the movement. We can't afford to give them the opportunity to destroy our chances of success, so they have to move aside so that a genuine leader like Trump can take the helm. It's time for Ryan to give up; it's time for him to go fishing and never return back.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Next News Network.

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