
WATCH: Tucker’s Guest Exposes CIA Involvement In JFK Assassination

There have been countless speculations about the reasons behind the death of President John F. Kennedy. Although it was initially believed that the killer worked alone, a source close to the investigation claimed that the CIA was involved in the assassination.

According to Carlson, the numerous speculations about the assassination of Kennedy have been brought up due to the lack of concrete evidence regarding the killing. The CIA also refused to provide the necessary documents regarding the incident.

In 1967, President Lyndon Johnson released a report stating that both Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby were responsible for the assassination. However, 50 years later, the CIA admitted that it had withheld evidence. The agency's reasons for not providing the necessary documents remain unknown. According to Carlson, the term conspiracy theory was first used by the media following the incident.

The term conspiracy theory was then used to describe various theories and speculations that were not supported by any government report.

Carlson noted that Ruby's lawyer Louis Jolyon West stated in 1964 that his client was in need of psychiatric help due to his mental condition. However, no one had previously diagnosed him as insane.

During this period, West was a contract psychiatrist working for the CIA. He was involved in a program known as MK Ultra, which involved the provision of powerful psychiatric drugs to Americans without telling them. The U.S. media has never conducted an investigation regarding why a psychiatrist working for the CIA diagnosed Ruby.

A congressional committee in 1976 conducted an investigation regarding the assassination of Kennedy. It concluded that it was almost certainly carried out by a conspiracy. But the exact reason behind the killing was not known.

Carlson referred to the CIA as an obvious suspect. He noted that the agency was required by a 1992 law to provide all documents related to the assassination of Kennedy by 2017. However, this didn't happen.

During his time as the CIA's director, Mike Pompeo convinced Donald Trump not to release the documents related to the incident. Even though the individuals involved in the assassination were already dead, Pompeo refused to appear on Carlson's show.

Thousands of pages of previously classified documents related to the assassination of Kennedy were released by the Biden administration today. It's not clear how many of these remain secret.

Carlson believes that he has evidence indicating that the CIA was involved in the assassination of Kennedy. He claims that he had a conversation with someone who has access to the documents related to the incident. He said that the insider revealed that the CIA was involved in the conspiracy.

He believes that the CIA was involved in the conspiracy, as it was different from what the Americans thought at that time. However, Carlson noted that the source was not a conspiracy theorist. He claimed that the individual was knowledgeable about the documents and had access to them personally.

Regardless of one's feelings about the incident, Carlson decided to invite viewers to analyze the significance of the information provided by the source. According to the source, there are forces within the US government that are beyond the control of the people.

According to Carlson, these groups can affect the outcome of an election. He also noted that they can hide their involvement in the incident by creating a government within a government. This allegation is quite explosive.

According to Carlson, Americans are no longer trusting the government. He also noted that the level of trust in the government may be lower than it is publicly disclosed.

Carlson described the situation as terrifying. However, until all of the CIA's documents related to the assassination of Kennedy are released, the public can't judge the credibility of the source who provided the information.

Written by Staff Reports

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