
Hunter Biden Emails Coming Soon? White House Could Get In The Way

The National Archives is preparing to release hundreds of pages of documents related to the relationship between Vice President Joe Biden and Ukraine. If he decides to invoke executive privilege, he could prevent the release of these documents.

According to an article by Insider, the Biden administration has not ruled out the possibility of invoking executive privilege.

The documents will include about 300 pages of emails between Biden's son Hunter and the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma. These documents date back to 2014, when Biden was the vice president under Barack Obama. In November, the National Archives notified the White House about receiving a request for information about the company.

Stephen Miller, who was an adviser to Donald Trump, filed the Freedom of Information Act request on behalf of America First Legal. The former president used the Presidential Records Act to prevent the archives from releasing certain records to the House Select Committee on Jan. 6.

According to the letter, some of the emails were related to the press inquiries that were triggered by Hunter Biden's participation in the company's board in 2014. The National Archives stated that it would not release the rest of the documents due to lack of explanation.

The president has 60 days to decide whether or not he will assert claims of privilege, which means that the release of the documents would be delayed until 2029.

The younger Biden's activities have been the focus of attention for some Republican politicians. According to reports, Hunter Biden was paid $50,000 a month to join the company's board. This is believed to be a way for the former vice president to influence the US' foreign policy.

Hunter Biden worked for Mykola Zlochevsky, a prominent Ukrainian oligarch who is widely regarded as a corrupt individual. In the time between hiring Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, Zlochevsky had over $23 million in British authorities' frozen bank accounts.

During their time on the company's board, Archer and Hunter Biden were reportedly paid around $1.5 million each.

According to the FBI whistleblowers, they have uncovered substantial evidence indicating that Hunter Biden was involved in the Ukrainian business. Senator Chuck Grassley released a statement earlier this month accusing the agency of misdiagnosing and labeling the evidence against the former vice president as disinformation.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Washington Examiner.

Written by Staff Reports

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