
White House Reels from Auto Strike Chaos: Their Own Making!

The United Auto Workers Union, the big shots who represent the factory workers at Ford, GM, and Chrysler, decided to throw a hissy fit and go on strike because the companies didn’t meet their outrageous demands. Get this, they want a 46 percent pay increase over the next five years! Talk about being greedy! They say it’s because of inflation, but we all know they just want more money in their pockets.

Now, the White House is pretending to be on the workers’ side and claiming President Biden supports them. But here’s the thing, they conveniently forget to mention the role they played in causing this inflation crisis in the first place. Not only that, but they’re also destroying the gas-powered auto industry with their electric vehicle nonsense. It’s like they want to put American workers out of a job!

And guess what? Ford is losing a boatload of money on their electric vehicles. They’re losing a whopping $60,000 per car they produce! Not exactly a successful business model, huh? But the Biden administration keeps pushing for more electric vehicles, even though nobody wants them. The American people don’t want these overpriced cars, but the government is forcing companies to make them. And who pays for it all? That’s right, you and me, the hardworking taxpayers.

To top it all off, the Energy Secretary can’t even take a successful road trip in an electric vehicle. If they can’t even get their act together, why should we trust them with our entire auto industry?

So while President Biden gives some fancy remarks from the White House, he conveniently leaves for a weekend in Delaware. Typical politician move, isn’t it? Ignoring the problems and leaving the hardworking Americans to suffer. But hey, at least he’ll be enjoying his time off while the rest of us deal with the consequences of his failed policies. Thanks, Biden. Thanks a lot.

Written by Staff Reports

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