
Will Burgum Pardon Trump? He’s Waiting for Dust to Settle

Former President Donald Trump may be facing a boatload of legal troubles, but don’t count on Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota for any potential pardons. In a recent interview, Burgum refused to commit to pardoning Trump if he were to be convicted. “Everybody is innocent until proven guilty in this country,” Burgum proclaimed, conveniently forgetting to mention that Trump is, well, guilty of being the best president we’ve ever had. Burgum went on to spout something about hypothetical questions and respecting the judicial branches. Blah, blah, blah. It’s clear that he’s just afraid to show any support for Trump because he knows that it would make the leftist media go berserk. We need leaders who aren’t afraid to stand up for what’s right, even if it means ruffling a few feathers.

And speaking of feathers being ruffled, Burgum also dodged questions about whether Trump tried to overturn the 2020 elections and whether Trump should even be allowed to run for office with his legal cases pending. Instead, he opted to “trust the voters” when it comes to deciding who should hold political office. Trust the voters? That’s a nice sentiment, but let’s be real here. We all know that the liberal elite and the corrupt media will stop at nothing to sabotage any conservative candidate who tries to challenge their power. We need someone who isn’t afraid to take on the establishment and fight tooth and nail for the American people.

But enough about Burgum’s fence-sitting. Let’s talk about the upcoming Republican primary debate. Burgum has qualified for the debate, which is great news for conservatives who are tired of the same old establishment politicians. It’s refreshing to see some fresh faces in the mix. Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, and Tim Scott have also qualified and signed the loyalty pledge, showing that they are committed to putting America first. It’s an exciting time to be a conservative, and with candidates like Burgum in the race, there is hope for a brighter future.

Written by Staff Reports

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