
Will DeSantis Run? Insider Actions Say Yes

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is making his move to the national stage, as he is expected to announce his run for president in the near future. Governor DeSantis has been a strong proponent of conservative values and has been an outspoken critic of the liberal agenda. He has been a leader in the fight against the Covid-19 lockdown, refusing to implement mask mandates and other restrictions that have been imposed by many other states.

The Washington Post recently reported that a political committee for DeSantis will serve as the launching pad for his higher office ambitions. This committee, called Never Back Down, will be steered by Ken Cuccinelli, the former acting director for immigration services under President Trump. This committee is expected to receive large contributions from some of the GOP’s wealthiest donors, including investor Jeffrey Yass and Jude and Christopher Reyes, the brothers in charge of America’s largest beer and food distributors.

DeSantis has also been making moves to increase his national profile in recent weeks. He released his own book, “The Courage to be Free” which immediately topped the New York Times bestseller list. He also recently visited Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds in Des Moines and Davenport, his first visit to an early voting state in next year’s Republican primary.

The governor has been careful not to criticize former President Donald Trump, even when Trump has levied attacks against him. This is likely a strategic move on DeSantis’ part, as he is attempting to assess how and when to engage with the former president.

Governor Ron DeSantis is proving himself to be a formidable candidate for the Republican nomination for president in the upcoming election. His conservative values, anti-lockdown stance, and strong support from some of the GOP’s wealthiest donors make him a strong contender for the nomination. It will be interesting to see how DeSantis’ campaign progresses in the coming months and if he can secure the Republican nomination for president in the upcoming election.

Written by Staff Reports

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