
Witch Hunt Continues: NY AG Targets Trump Amidst Family Tragedy

In yet another stunning display of the establishment’s venomous disdain for Donald Trump and his family, New York Attorney General Letitia James has unleashed a savage lawsuit against him, alleging that he inflated his financial statements and deceived banks. This is the latest chapter in the relentless crusade to destroy the man who dared to challenge the status quo.

As if that wasn’t enough, the Trump family was dealt another cruel blow when Melania Trump announced the tragic passing of her beloved mother, Amalija. In the midst of their grief, Trump and his lawyer, Chris Kise, were negotiating to allow him to deliver his own closing statements in the civil case when they received the devastating news.

Judge Arthur Engoron, however, seemed more interested in stifling Trump’s voice than showing any modicum of compassion. Despite the heartbreaking loss, Engoron imposed strict restrictions on Trump’s potential statements, effectively silencing him in his own defense.

Even when Kise requested a brief postponement to allow Trump time to mourn with his wife, Engoron callously rejected the plea and revoked permission for Trump to deliver his closing arguments. The heartlessness displayed by Engoron is nothing short of appalling, but sadly, it’s par for the course when it comes to the left’s treatment of Trump and his family.

For too long, Trump has been dehumanized and demonized by the left, stripped of the compassion and empathy that would be extended to anyone else in a similar situation. It’s a stark reminder that, regardless of one’s political views, we are all human beings deserving of basic decency and understanding.

And this heartless treatment isn’t just reserved for Trump – it’s emblematic of the broader battle against conservatives and patriots who dare to challenge the entrenched powers that be. The relentless attacks on Trump and his family are just one front in the larger war against those who refuse to bow to the radical left’s agenda.

That’s why it’s crucial for patriots to stand together and fight back against the elites who seek to silence and marginalize us. The Western Journal, and outlets like it, are on the frontlines of this battle, and they need the support of readers like you to continue the fight for truth and freedom.

So, join the fight and stand with those who refuse to surrender to the America-hating left. Your support is needed now more than ever to ensure that the truth continues to be heard and that the battle for the heart and soul of America is won. Thank you for standing with those who fight for America.

Written by Staff Reports

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