
Biden Administration Launches Fast-Track Asylum Docket in Five Cities

The Biden administration is making changes to immigration courts that could speed up the process for some people seeking asylum in the United States. They plan to create a special docket in five cities – Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and New York – to hear cases for single adults who have arrived recently. The goal is to have judges make decisions on their asylum claims within 180 days, which is much faster than the years it currently takes.

Critics argue that the backlog of cases in immigration courts encourages more people to come to the United States, especially those with weak claims. The Justice Department has assigned 10 judges to this effort, but it remains unclear how many cases they will handle and what impact this will have.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas explained that while this change is a step in the right direction, it is not a substitute for the comprehensive immigration reform that the administration had hoped for. He emphasized the need to enforce the law and discourage irregular migration in the absence of Congressional action.

The administration’s decision to focus on the five cities was based on the availability of judges to hear cases and because these cities are popular destinations for migrants. However, some critics argue that this approach may incentivize individuals to come to the U.S. even if their claims are weak, especially since asylum seekers are eligible for work permits within six months of arrival.

This is not the first time the government has attempted to speed up the asylum process. Both the Obama and Trump administrations also tried to accelerate some cases on a separate track. Despite these efforts, the immigration court backlog has soared to 3.6 million cases, with roughly 600 judges in 68 courts. The new plan does not include funding for more judges.

Overall, while the Biden administration’s fast-track docket may help address the backlog of asylum cases, critics argue that it may not effectively deter irregular migration and may not address the root causes of the immigration issue.

Written by Staff Reports

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