
Biden Administration’s Middle East Policy Faces New Crisis Amid NASDAQ Shock

The Biden-Harris Administration appears to be on the verge of outdoing its already questionable record, and not in a good way. Following a near disaster on the NASDAQ, tensions in the Middle East are so hot that they might just lead to yet another American diplomatic retreat – a euphemism for what can only be described as a foreign policy fiasco.

The chain of blunders started with President Joe Biden’s hasty exit from Afghanistan – so hasty it was more like a fire drill than a strategic withdrawal. After inexplicably shutting down the Bagram Air Base, despite solid military advice to keep it operational, the Taliban rolled back into Kabul unimpeded, leading to the tragic loss of thirteen American servicemembers and countless Afghan allies. Talk about a triumph of incompetence!

Since that fateful day, the Biden duo has shown an uncanny knack for turning embassies into ghost towns. They’ve managed to evacuate a staggering ten embassies in places like Chad, Belarus, and Russia, showing that this administration is setting records faster than they can close the doors behind them. There’s talk of adding the U.S. embassy in Beirut to the list, as Israel and Iran inch ever closer to turning war into a new cliché. Maybe the Biden-Harris administration is secretly vying for a worldwide evacuation championship – and they’re ahead by quite a margin.

To put the math into perspective: the Obama-Biden administration had to evacuate eight embassies over the course of eight years, averaging one per year. In less than four years in office, the current administration has far surpassed that, with eleven embassies off the list and possibly a twelfth on the horizon. At this rate, they’re aiming for an unholy average of three closures per year. One has to wonder – will they take a victory lap for such dismal achievements?

Meanwhile, the evacuation messages coming out of Lebanon reflect a dire situation. The U.S. embassy is advising Americans to get out by any means necessary, as if choosing the lesser of two evils in a bad travel agency. They urge citizens to book the first available flight, even if it involves a circuitous route, or “shelter in place” indefinitely – a generous way of saying, “Good luck, folks!”

Instead of standing firmly with Israel since October when hostilities flared, the Biden administration has created a gaping chasm between the U.S. and one of its oldest allies, emboldening not only terrorist organizations but also authoritarian regimes around the world. Political commentators, including Morgan Ortagus, have noted that the Biden-Harris administration’s progressive foreign policy approach feels more like an open invitation for global chaos rather than a deterrent.

As for President Biden himself, one has to wonder if “Retreat” might be an appropriate new Secret Service codename, and what could possibly fit Vice President Harris. Perhaps putting in “Backpedal” would encapsulate both in how they handle foreign relations. The ever-looming question is: Just how many embassies is this administration prepared to abandon before someone grabs the wheel and starts driving the foreign policy ship straight again?

While Biden’s administration struggles with international relations, conservative platforms like PJ Media continue to shine a light on these blunders and keep their fingers on the pulse of America’s needs. One can only hope that the next administration learns from the chaos perpetrated by this one, because with all this running, it’s hard to see anyone gaining ground in the arena of international credibility.

Written by Staff Reports

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