
Bidenomics’ Christmas Crisis: 62% Struggling to Meet Ends!

A recent study conducted by LendingClub has revealed that a staggering 62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck during the holiday season in Joe Biden’s America. This is a clear indication that “Bidenomics” has failed to provide any real help to the average American. Only 14% of voters believe Biden’s economic policies have actually benefited them, while a whopping 85% believe these policies have either hurt them or made no difference at all.

The study also found that the number of Americans struggling to make ends meet has increased from 58% in March to 62% in December. Shockingly, 40% of these struggling individuals have super-prime credit scores, indicating that even those who are financially responsible are still facing financial hardships in Biden’s economy. Additionally, 57% of credit card owners are living paycheck to paycheck, further highlighting the widespread financial struggle across the nation.

As the holiday season approaches, Americans are expected to spend a record-breaking amount, with holiday spending projected to increase between 3% and 4%. However, this increase in spending comes at a time when credit card debt has already surpassed $1 trillion. Surveys show that 96% of shoppers expect to overspend during the holidays, and half of consumers are planning to take on more debt to cover their expenses. This demonstrates that while Americans are trying to celebrate Christmas, they are doing so under the burden of debt in Biden’s economy.

In stark contrast to the lackluster performance of Biden’s economic policies, a recent Wall Street Journal poll revealed that a plurality of Americans believe former President Donald Trump’s economic policies actually benefited them. A whopping 49% of voters said Trump’s policies personally benefited them, while only 23% said the same for Biden’s policies. These numbers speak for themselves and highlight the stark difference between the success of Trump’s economic agenda and the failure of Bidenomics.

American people are starting to question their votes and are becoming disillusioned with Biden’s presidency. Even Democrat David Axelrod recently expressed his concerns, stating, “You know what I worry about… from a Biden standpoint is there are the kinds of things you get when people are starting to rationalize their votes.”

The majority of Americans find themselves living paycheck to paycheck in President Biden’s America. The failure of Bidenomics to provide real economic relief has left Americans struggling, while they watch their credit card debt climb and their financial burden increase during the holiday season. Meanwhile, the successes of Trump’s economic policies continue to be remembered and appreciated by the American people. The disillusionment with Biden’s presidency is a troubling sign, and it is clear that the American people are longing for a return to the economic prosperity they experienced under Trump’s leadership.

Written by Staff Reports

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