
Bidenomics Doubles Economic Anguish for Americans in 2023

According to a recent survey from Rasmussen, nearly half of Americans are feeling the economic strain under Bidenomics. The survey of 1,102 Americans conducted after Christmas reveals that 45 percent feel they are worse off financially compared to a year ago. In stark contrast, only 23 percent feel they are better off, leaving a substantial 22-point gap.

Biden’s attempts to convince Americans that his economic policies are beneficial have clearly fallen flat. The survey shows that 29 percent of respondents say their financial situation has merely treaded water over the past year, remaining the same. It seems that Biden’s promised economic boom has failed to materialize for many.

One of the major factors contributing to this economic downturn is Bidenflation, as critics like to call it. Inflation has soared under Biden’s watch, with consumer prices increasing by 3.1 percent in the last 12 months. This is significantly higher compared to the previous 12-month period when prices rose by 7.1 percent. Since Biden took office, consumer prices have skyrocketed by 16.8 percent.

While hourly wages have seen some modest growth, it hasn’t been enough to keep up with rising prices. Average hourly wages have increased by 14.3 percent since Biden took office, falling two-and-a-half points below the inflation watermark. This means that despite earning more, workers are still falling behind in terms of purchasing power.

Unsurprisingly, the survey highlights the political divide in America. Democrats are much more likely to believe they are better off economically, with 39 percent expressing this sentiment. In contrast, only 18 percent of Republicans and 13 percent of Americans not affiliated with a major party feel the same way. This sharp contrast reflects the deep polarization in our current political landscape.

Additionally, there is a clear racial divide in economic sentiment. Black Americans are feeling the pinch more than others, with 32 percent saying they are worse off compared to a year ago. In contrast, 45 percent of whites and 55 percent of other minorities share this sentiment. This highlights the need for policies that address the diverse challenges faced by different racial groups.

In conclusion, the survey reveals a troubling reality under Bidenomics: many Americans are feeling worse off economically. Rising inflation and stagnant wages have contributed to this downturn, leaving a significant portion of the population struggling to keep up. While Democrats may try to put a positive spin on these findings, it is clear that Biden’s economic policies have not delivered on their promises. It’s time for a change that prioritizes the needs of all Americans, regardless of their political affiliation or racial background.

Written by Staff Reports

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