
Biden’s Dog Bites More: White House in Canine Chaos!

In a shocking revelation, it has come to light that Commander, Joe Biden’s German Shepherd, has been wreaking havoc at the White House. Recent reports indicate that the number of people he has bitten is even higher than initially reported, with no official tally in sight. Of course, this kind of behavior is totally unacceptable, but it seems like the Biden administration just wants to sweep it under the rug.

Anonymous sources within the White House have come forward to CNN, painting a frightening picture of the chaos caused by Commander. According to these brave individuals, the relationship between the Bidens and the Secret Service has turned “combustible” due to the dog’s aggressive outbursts. It seems that the Bidens are making last-minute changes to their schedule and demanding unrealistic things, making everyone’s job even more difficult.

When questioned about her personal experiences with Commander during a press briefing, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre seemed remarkably nonchalant. She couldn’t emphasize enough how the dog had never posed a problem for her, raising the question of whether she has any firsthand experience with Commander at all. It’s all too convenient that she is dismissive of the concerns raised.

Even though the statement from the First Lady’s Office claims that the Bidens prioritize the safety of White House employees, actions speak louder than words. Commander is currently not on the White House premises while “next steps are evaluated,” leaving everyone to wonder what those steps might be. Will there be any consequences for the dog’s aggressive behavior, or will he continue to roam freely?

One reporter had the audacity to ask Jean-Pierre why she wasn’t nervous around a dog that had bitten so many people. Her response? Laughter. It’s bewildering how someone in such a position of authority could brush off a serious issue with such disdain. The American people deserve better than this dismissive attitude from their government.

The fact that Commander has even bitten Secret Service agents raises further concerns. These are the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to protect the President and his family, yet they have become targets of the very dog they are supposed to keep safe. It’s outrageous and unacceptable.

It’s time for the Biden administration to take responsibility for the actions of their dog. The safety of those working at the White House should be paramount, and Commander’s behavior cannot be tolerated. This incident exposes a lack of competence and thoroughness on the part of the Biden team. It’s concerning to see this level of negligence from those in power.

The American people deserve a President who can keep a dog in check. If Biden can’t manage his own German Shepherd, how can he be trusted to manage the country? This incident is just another example of the dysfunction and lack of leadership plaguing the current administration. Let’s hope that going forward, the Bidens prioritize the safety and well-being of those around them, even if it means parting ways with Commander.

Written by Staff Reports

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