
Biden’s Open Borders Enables Child Trafficking: HHS Whistleblower Exposes Disturbing Reality

The situation at the border between the United States and Mexico remains dire, and Joe Biden’s administration is failing to resolve it. On Thursday, a House Judiciary Subcommittee heard testimony from Tara Lee Rodas, a Health and Human Services (HHS) whistleblower who has exposed the government’s involvement in the trafficking of unaccompanied youngsters who have entered the country illegally. This is simply another illustration of how careless the Biden administration has been about safeguarding American people.

Rodas discovered that sponsors were not being thoroughly screened as a result of the flow of children at the border while working at an emergency intake center in California for the HHS Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). To settle their debts to smugglers and traffickers, youngsters will perform nocturnal shifts at restaurants, factories, and slaughterhouses today. Now, kids will be bought and sold for sex. Children will call a hotline today to report being mistreated, neglected, or trafficked, according to Rodas.

Rodas learned that instead of being placed in loving families, these kids are being trafficked by a complex network that started when they were smuggled over the border from their country of origin. When ORR sends a kid to a sponsor, the crisis is over; nevertheless, some sponsors are traffickers, criminals, or affiliated with TCOs. Since some sponsors see these kids as possessions and commodities, labor trafficking has become a major problem in the US.

The U.S. government has taken on a middleman role in a multibillion dollar, large-scale child trafficking business that is being managed by criminals looking to make money from the lives of children, she said. It’s unfortunate that up to 80,000 kids who were sponsored by ORR can no longer be located. As Title 42 expires on May 11, there will probably be a sharp rise in the number of unaccompanied youngsters crossing the border, placing further burden on HHS and putting children at danger.

Joseph Biden supported free borders, and his government is now supporting child trafficking. These policies and behaviors, which go against our country’s principles and ideals, must be opposed by America. This must cease; we cannot allow it to continue.

Written by Staff Reports

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