
Biden’s Re-Election Hopes Sink as Court Rulings Backfire on Dems!

No one is thrilled about the prospect of Joe Biden running for re-election in 2024. Just take a look at his campaign infrastructure – it’s as hallowed as can be, a mere shell of what it should be. But apparently, that’s all by design, or so they want us to believe. Unlike Obama, who was already shelling out serious money for his 2012 campaign, Biden has been holding back. Of course, money won’t be an issue for him, but maybe it’s because he knows deep down that people just aren’t excited about him and his lackluster performance.

One topic that the liberal media is clinging to as a potential rallying cry for the Democratic base is the Supreme Court. You may remember how back in 2016, it was the Republicans who embraced the importance of the Court and rallied behind Trump, especially when it came to protecting our cherished Second Amendment rights. In fact, in an exit poll, a staggering 21 percent of voters said the Court was the most important factor in their decision, and they overwhelmingly supported Trump. This may have been a key factor in his victory, as it helped him break through the so-called Blue Wall.

Now, some on the Left are hoping that recent Supreme Court rulings, which upheld religious liberty, curbed Biden’s overreach on student loans, and gutted affirmative action, will have the same galvanizing effect on Democrats as it did on Republicans in 2016. But let’s be real here, these rulings are actually serious setbacks for Biden, who promised to advance racial equity and erase student debt. It’s a harsh reality check for the Democrats, who are desperately seeking ways to muster some enthusiasm for Biden’s re-election bid.

But will it really make a difference in the election? Only time will tell. Biden and his team are already pointing fingers and blaming Republicans for dismantling programs that supposedly benefit young, college-educated, and minority voters – all crucial components of the Democratic coalition. And let’s not forget the juicy fact that three of the conservative justices on the Court were appointed by none other than Biden’s predecessor, President Donald Trump. That’s gotta sting for Biden, giving him even more reasons to use these rulings as political ammunition in his campaign.

Of course, the Left initially went berserk over the affirmative action ruling. They thought they had a surefire way to smear anyone who supported it as racist. But guess what? The narrative quickly fell apart when they realized that a significant number of Black Americans don’t support affirmative action either. Oops! Turns out, you can’t force a narrative down people’s throats when the majority of Americans don’t even agree with it. The Left ended up looking like clowns with their attempts to manufacture a fake narrative that Asian Americans supported the policy. Nice try, folks, but the numbers just don’t add up.

While issues like Second Amendment rights and reining in an out-of-control executive branch resonate with everyday Americans, it’s hard to get them all fired up about bailing out rich college kids drowning in their own student loan debt. Seriously, why should the working class be forced to subsidize the expensive degrees of privileged elites who chose to pursue useless “woke” degrees? If everyone went into academia, maybe that would be a different story. But the reality is, these students made their own choices and now want the rest of us to foot the bill. Sorry, but that’s a no-go.

So, in the grand scheme of things, CNN’s attempts to galvanize the Democratic base through the Supreme Court rulings are falling flat. Affirmative action is a deeply unpopular policy, and Biden’s inability to follow through on his lofty promises is just another disappointment. If the Democrats want to compete with the energizing force that is Trump, they’ll need something more substantial and relatable than a handful of niche issues. And let’s not even get started on abortion, that’s a whole other can of worms. At the end of the day, Biden’s chances of winning re-election look bleak, but hey, stranger things have happened.

Written by Staff Reports

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