
Bipartisan Rejection of Biden Nominee Sarah Netburn Halts Judicial Advance

The Senate Judiciary Committee gave President Biden’s latest judicial nominee, Sarah Netburn, the boot on Thursday. In a rare display of spine, one Democrat even joined the GOP to block the nomination after Republicans raised the red flag on Netburn’s bizarre decision to transfer a transgender inmate—born male, mind you—to a women’s prison. Common sense finally took a stand.

The final vote was a solid 10-11 against Netburn, with Georgia Democrat Sen. Jon Ossoff playing the role of the sensible moderate and voting against advancing the nomination. The decision left Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin of Illinois with no choice but to admit that the nomination wouldn’t be moving to the Senate floor. Guess even Durbin couldn’t spin this one into a victory.

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz didn’t miss a beat, taking to social media to celebrate the triumph of sanity and safety. According to Cruz, this rejection wasn’t just a procedural win; it was a major victory for women everywhere. Why? Because Netburn, in her infinite wisdom, had previously okayed the transfer of a biological male serial rapist to a women’s prison, where he unsurprisingly re-committed another sexual offense. Sanity, for once, actually prevailed.

Netburn’s May 22 confirmation hearing felt more like a circus than a vetting process, as GOP senators grilled her on her decision to move a male child sex abuser to a female prison after he conveniently decided to “identify” as a woman. If that wasn’t eyebrow-raising enough, Netburn dodged basic biology questions like a professional dodgeball player. When asked about whether chromosomes determine biological sex, she lamely claimed to be unqualified to answer because she had never studied biology. The woman wants to be a judge but can’t grasp high school science? Give us a break. 


Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, even sent her a written questionnaire asking bluntly if it was possible to determine a person’s sex through chromosome analysis. Netburn, sticking to her story, still declared ignorance on anything involving the XY and XX chromosomes. Maybe she missed that day in eighth grade biology.

So there you have it, folks. The Biden administration’s latest attempt to ram through another ideologue crashed and burned, thanks to a touch of bipartisan sanity. Here’s hoping this trend continues; the country’s sanity depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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