
BREAKING: New SHOCKING Letter Found On Hunter’s Laptop

A letter found on the now-famous laptop that Hunter Biden is rumored to have left behind suggests that the Biden family is seeking a deal with Qatar, undermining the administration of President Trump and giving the appearance of an effort at a shadow foreign policy.

The letter, which was rescued from the "Laptop from Hell" by the office of Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) after having been in an unreadable format for some time, shows that President Joe Biden's brother, James Biden, made an offer to an ally of Qatari Sheikh Abdulla Bin Mohammed Al Thani.

In spite of the fact that the policies of the "fractured" and "beleaguered" Trump administration at the time were negative for Qatar, they claim that my family could give a multitude of introductions and commercial prospects at the highest levels.

The letter, which was dated August 1, 2017, and was intended to be relayed to the Sheikh, offers assistance in effectuating the vision of the Sheikh while simultaneously criticizing the Trump administration for having a fractured nature and for being beleaguered by critical problems that are not soon to be resolved.

The first line of the email reads, I would be proud to assist in effecting the vision of His Excellency but I'd be negligent in not bringing out the divided condition of our current administration. I would be happy to help put the vision into action.

The Trump White House is being criticized by the now-brother, president's who claims that this administration is beset by big difficulties that are not soon to be handled.

Biden proposes a partnership for a "different vision" than the one that the Trump administration has of American interests and U.S.-Qatari relations. He does this by leveraging the deep and wide relationships that his family has. He boasts that these relationships have lasted through several years and many administrations.

In addition, President James Biden stated that we continue to move ahead in forward thinking projects that provide worth both in the United States and internationally.

Our ties are extensive in scope, and they have endured for a considerable amount of time and a number of administrations. We are not very close to this administration, and our goals and priorities are distinct from theirs, he writes. In the meantime, we are making steady progress in a variety of forward-thinking activities that are producing genuine value not only in the United States but also in other countries. The advancement of the interests of the United States of America through fruitful collaborations with partners both in the United States and throughout the world has been and will continue to be our top priority.

On behalf of the Biden family, I would like to thank you for your attention in this matter if it is consistent with the vision that His Excellency has laid out.

It is unclear whether the message was ever sent or whether it is just a draft of the final version.

James Biden makes the peculiar observation in the middle of the letter that we are not, however, lobbyists and do not work in that sector, despite the fact that he spends the most of the letter explaining what some detractors could consider to be a lobbying pitch.

Qatar Investment Authority is a sovereign wealth fund in the Gulf, and Khaled Sultan Al Rabban is the Director of the CEO's Office there.

Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohammed Al Thani is a member of the Al Thani family, which is considered a member of Qatar's royal family.

Relations between the United States and Qatar were tight during the summer of 2017, when Saudi Arabia and Qatar were embroiled in a diplomatic crisis and the Trump administration was working on a number of accords with the Saudi Kingdom at the same time. In June of 2017, the Trump administration made a show of goodwill by offering to mediate discussions between the two Gulf governments; however, the offer was declined. In the months that followed, hostilities worsened, with Saudi Arabia trying to economically alienate Qatar, and even geographically isolating Qatar with a proposed plan to dig a canal along Qatar's border with Saudi Arabia. Qatar is a peninsula country in the Persian Gulf.

In light of the accumulating evidence that points to corruption, numerous investigations of Hunter Biden and the businesses owned by the Biden family have been promised to take place in the House of Representatives in the event that the Republicans win a majority in the next midterm elections.

According to a statement given by Representative Issa to Breitbart News, This view into the manner of thinking of Biden family criminality is why the next Congress must not rest until it gets to the truth.  The Bidens' claim that they are not lobbyists was maybe the biggest falsehood" committed in order to facilitate the sale of access.

In preparation for conducting an investigation into election interference in relation to the reduction of the New York Post's "Laptop From Hell" series in October 2020, Issa sent document protection notices in March to 12 individuals who work in the intelligence community, the White House, Facebook, and Twitter. These notices were sent in advance of the investigation.

According to a report in the Washington Post, House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has already discussed with other top House Republicans the possibility of trying to coordinate investigations of Hunter and the Biden family's business across different committees in the event that the GOP wins control of the House.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Breitbart.

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