
Busted! Media’s Double Standard: Trump-Russia vs. Biden Family Debacle

In a hilarious montage produced by videographer Max Evans, the stark hypocrisy of liberal media is brilliantly exposed. Meet The Press host Kristen Welker repeatedly claimed that the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden was launched “without evidence,” conveniently ignoring the fact that there is plenty of evidence to support the claims against Biden. Meanwhile, during a 2020 interview with CBS News, host Lesley Stahl declared that there was “no evidence” to support the claim that Trump’s campaign was spied on. The irony is truly mind-boggling!

During Welker’s interview with President Trump, she vehemently denied any evidence proving Biden’s involvement in Ukrainian corruption, even though there are clear video clips of Biden admitting the opposite. Welker was so determined to dismiss Trump’s claims that she brushed aside bank records, statements from IRS whistleblowers, and hours of sworn testimony from Hunter Biden’s former business partner. Apparently, for Welker, facts don’t matter when they don’t align with her biased agenda.

But the hypocrisy doesn’t stop there! The video montage also includes clips from Trump’s interview with Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes, where she arrogantly dismissed Trump’s claims of being spied on. Stahl even threatened not to air the interview because CBS couldn’t “verify” Trump’s statements. It’s ironic how CBS suddenly became so concerned with verification when it comes to Trump, but apparently, they have no problem airing unverified stories about Trump’s opponents.

In reality, the claims about Hunter Biden’s laptop containing Russian disinformation have been thoroughly debunked. And let’s not forget that the Durham Report uncovered the illegal activities of U.S. intelligence officials who spied on Trump’s campaign and launched the Russian collusion investigation without any evidence. But of course, Welker and Stahl conveniently ignored these facts in their biased interviews.

The liberal media’s bias and blatant hypocrisy are on full display in this enlightening montage. It’s truly laughable how they twist the truth and ignore evidence to fit their narrative. Thankfully, there are still brave individuals like Max Evans who are willing to expose their deceitful tactics. Keep up the good work, Max!

Written by Staff Reports

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