
Dem Hypocrisy Exposed: Men Invading Women’s Sports Denied by Nadler & Co.

Oh boy, get ready for some jaw-dropping hypocrisy and gaslighting from the Democrats. So, the House Judiciary Committee decided to have a chat about a bill called the Protection of Women in Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, which is all about making sure women’s sports stay just for women. Seems pretty straightforward, right? Well, not when you throw in some Democrats into the mix.

Rep. Jerry Nadler from New York boldly declared that “men do not compete in women’s sports.” Seriously, Nadler? Tell that to all the real women who’ve lost out on victories to men claiming to be women. It’s like he’s living in a fantasy land where facts don’t matter. And guess what, he’s the same guy who denies Antifa even exists. What a shocker.

Then we have Rep. Pramila Jayapal, who seems to be in denial about reality, claiming no transgender woman has ever hurt a female athlete. Seriously? Riley Gaines and others, who are actually out there fighting for women’s sports, have stories to tell. They’ve seen it with their own eyes, unlike Rep. Jayapal who seems to be sipping the woke Kool-Aid a bit too much.

And let’s not forget Rep. Eric Swalwell, who boldly stated that instances of trans women athletes hurting female athletes are “not a thing.” Um, Eric, have you been living under a rock? These are real women with real experiences, not some made-up stories.

Thank goodness for Riley Gaines and Payton McNabb, two strong women who aren’t afraid to speak up against the nonsense being spewed by these out-of-touch Democrats. They’ve seen firsthand the damage caused by allowing men to compete in women’s sports. It’s not just about winning or losing, it’s about fairness and protecting the integrity of women’s sports.

So, here’s the deal – Democrats can keep living in their make-believe world, but the truth will always come out. And when it does, it’s time for voters to show these politicians the door. Women’s sports are on the line, and we can’t let political correctness destroy what generations of female athletes have worked so hard to build. Let’s keep sports fair and leave the nonsense at the door.

Written by Staff Reports

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