
Fox News Cowers, Cuts Trump Speech; Can’t Handle Record-Breaking Ratings Truth

In what can only be described as an act of cowardice, Fox News decided to cut away from former President Donald Trump’s campaign speech in South Carolina. And what triggered their spineless move? None other than Trump mentioning his interview with the incredible Tucker Carlson. It seems that Fox News can’t handle the truth about their abysmal ratings and the fact that Trump’s interview was a record-breaking success.

During his speech, which drew an absolutely massive crowd, Trump covered a range of important topics, from border security to education. But it was his mention of Tucker Carlson that sent the network running with their tails between their legs. Clearly, they couldn’t bear to hear about their own failures.

Trump didn’t hold back as he called out the disastrous state of our U.S.-Mexico border. He rightfully pointed out that under his watch, our border was the best and the safest it had ever been. But now, thanks to the Biden administration’s incompetence, it has become the worst border in history. It’s downright embarrassing that countries even worse off than us wouldn’t allow such a disaster to happen.

Not one to shy away from controversial issues, Trump also addressed the dangerous ideology of critical race theory that’s infiltrating our schools. He promised that if he were to return to office, he would take immediate action to cut federal funding for any school pushing this divisive and harmful nonsense onto our children. Finally, someone willing to stand up for truth and sanity in education!

And let’s not forget Trump’s unshakable commitment to the Second Amendment. He warned the crowd about the threats looming over their right to bear arms. It’s clear that the left is gaining traction in their crusade to undermine our constitutional rights, and who better to stop them in their tracks than Trump? We need a leader who will protect our freedoms, not someone who will play with our bullets.

But this act of betrayal from Fox News is nothing new. Ever since the 2020 election, they’ve been on a downhill slide, with their coverage of Trump becoming more and more biased. It’s no wonder that their ratings are plummeting. They can’t handle the truth, and they certainly can’t handle a president who speaks his mind and puts America first.

While Fox News may choose to cower and cut away from Trump’s speech, real Americans know that he is the voice we need. He’s not afraid to speak the truth, even if it means ruffling a few feathers. So let them cover their ears and close their eyes, but they can’t ignore the impact Trump continues to make on the conservative movement. The silent majority will rise again, and Fox News will be left in the dust of their own cowardice.

Written by Staff Reports

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