
FTC Bullies Elon Musk: Harassment Worse Than We Imagined!

The Biden administration’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) just can’t seem to leave Elon Musk alone. In their latest power move, the FTC reportedly tried to strong-arm global consultancy firm Ernst & Young (EY) into taking action against Musk over his tweets. I mean, seriously? Is this the most important thing they have to focus on right now?

According to documents from the case of the United States vs Twitter, the FTC demanded that EY prepare a report that would portray Musk in a negative light, simply because of his Twitter activity. They were “adamant” about it, issuing an ultimatum to EY, telling them exactly what they had to do. It’s like they think they can just boss around anyone they want.

EY, being one of the largest firms in the world, understandably had concerns about this blatant overreach by the FTC. They were worried that if they resigned as the independent assessor, the FTC would retaliate against them. I mean, who wouldn’t be afraid of this kind of government intimidation?

It’s no wonder that Rep. Jim Jordan expressed his shock on Twitter. He hit the nail on the head when he said, “We knew they were harassing @elonmusk, but it was worse than we thought.” It’s about time someone stood up against the FTC’s bullying tactics.

And let’s not forget that this is all happening while the FTC is already under scrutiny for its investigation into Twitter. Rep. Jordan confronted FTC Chair Lina Khan about their behavior, questioning their interest in Twitter’s communication with journalists and potential First Amendment violations. It’s clear that the FTC’s actions are politically motivated, and we can’t just let them get away with it.

In response, Twitter, now rebranded as X Corp., has filed a lawsuit against the FTC. They claim that the FTC’s investigative practices have been biased and unregulated. And really, who can blame them? The FTC has been hounding them ever since Musk took ownership of the company. It’s time for some accountability from the government agency that’s supposed to be protecting us, not harassing businesses.

The court is set to hear the lawsuit in August, and we can only hope that justice will prevail. We need to put a stop to the FTC’s overreach and hold them accountable for their politically motivated actions. It’s time for them to focus on real issues that actually matter, instead of targeting individuals and companies they don’t like.

Written by Staff Reports

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