
Gen. Milley Exposes Biden’s Weakness on Southern Border Crisis

The crisis at the southern border has been acknowledged by General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He concurs with House Republicans that dangerous cartels are taking advantage of the region's porous border to engage in illegal activities such as drug trafficking and illegal immigration. However, he believes that this is primarily a responsibility for law enforcement and U.S. intelligence, not the military. He also suggested that military intervention would only be required if there were a policy shift.

“Until there is a change in policy, if there is ever going to be a change in policy, this is mostly a police and intelligence operation,” he said at an Armed Services Committee hearing Wednesday.

According to Milley, it is evident to anyone that the southern border is vulnerable, regardless of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas' statement that there is no cause for concern. Additionally, there have been suggestions from some members of Congress to employ the U.S. military to take lethal action against drug cartels, but these proposals have not been given due attention.

Due to the ineffective policies of the Biden administration, the number of migrants entering the United States from the southern border is increasing rapidly, leading to a surge in fentanyl-related fatalities. The cartels are exploiting the relaxed border policies, which remain unchanged. Furthermore, the proposed policy to restrict entry to migrants who have passed through other countries before applying for asylum in the U.S. is viewed as flawed, as it merely renews the restrictions previously implemented by the Trump administration.

It is evident that dealing with these cartels requires a law enforcement strategy. To tackle the issue, law enforcement agencies and U.S. intelligence must collaborate with Mexico and other countries in Latin America to detect and prevent the illegal trafficking of drugs and migrants. Milley emphasized that the crisis extends beyond the region, as China supplies the precursor substances for fentanyl.

During his discussion, Milley disclosed that he had conferred with Gen. Glen VanHerck, who leads the North American Aerospace and Defense Command (NORAD), and Gen. Sarah Richardson, the commander of U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), concerning the challenges in the region. Although NORAD and SOUTHCOM possess sufficient resources to tackle the problems within their respective domains, no combatant command has enough resources to combat the cartels effectively. All of them could benefit from more assets.

In general, it is essential to change policy to prevent this crisis from worsening any further. Immediate action is required to secure the southern border, and President Biden must recognize the gravity of the situation rather than feigning ignorance. To effectively address the problem, our law enforcement and U.S. intelligence agencies must be equipped with the necessary resources to combat the cartels and tackle the underlying issue.

Written by Staff Reports

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