
GOP Thwarts Biden’s Climate Overreach: Real Emergencies Act Saves Your Gas Cars!

While the Left is pushing hard for a "Green New Deal," Republican lawmakers may have found a way to stop President Joe Biden from calling a "national climate emergency." If Democrats get what they want, we'll all have to drive electric cars and cook on electric stoves, whether we like it or not. The "Real Emergencies Act," which Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX) and Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) presented on Monday, will make it harder for Vice President Joe Biden to use emergency powers from the National Emergencies Act, the Disaster Relief and Emergencies Act, and the Public Health Service. The bill would stop Biden from using emergency powers to stop what the Democrats see as a climate catastrophe. It would do this by giving priority to important problems that affect Americans, like rising prices and energy costs.

"I am proud to join Senator Capito in introducing the Real Emergencies Act," said Pfluger. "Our bill makes sure that President Biden doesn't use his office to push his anti-American energy plan against what the American people want."

Biden made it clear what he thought about climate change when he said he would "end fossil fuels" if he was elected president in 2019. After Biden won the election in 2021, Democrats didn't have to hide the fact that they wanted to go around Congress. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that if Biden declared a climate emergency, the president could "do many, many things under the emergency powers of the President that wouldn't have to go through–that he could do without legislation." In 2022, the Congressional Progressive Caucus pushed Biden to not only declare a climate emergency but also stop oil and gas sales on government lands.

Capito said that when it comes to energy and environmental rules, the Biden administration is always going beyond what the law says and ignoring the law without congressional permission. "The Real Emergencies Act" would stop the president from calling a national emergency in the name of climate change, which would give him more power as president and make the government bigger. It focuses on expanding the government through executive orders from the president and ignoring real problems, like rising energy costs and persistent inflation, that affect Americans.

Lastly, there are plans for new laws that will make it harder for Biden to make green executive orders. Last week, the government announced a $1 billion plan to make federal buildings more environmentally friendly. The plan is to add green systems like heat pumps and solar panel technology. The hope is that after the government shows the way, private companies will spend in green technology. Even though this makes sense, legislation to stop the executive branch from going too far may have come at the right time. Biden's planned rules said that by 2032, 35% of new short-haul freight tractors, 35% of new long-haul freight tractors, and 67% of new cars, crossovers, SUVs, and light trucks would be electric. JD Power did a study and found that less than 25% of Americans plan to buy an electric car as their next new car.

In the end, if Joe Biden uses emergency powers to get around Congress, it shows that his party and the American people have very different ideas about what an emergency is.

Written by Staff Reports

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