
Grieving Father Blames Kamala Harris and Biden for Afghanistan Withdrawal Failures

In an unfortunate twist of fate that would make any reasonable American cringe, Mark Schmitz, a grieving father whose son, Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz, was killed in the chaos of the Afghanistan withdrawal, has had enough of the finger-pointing at Joe Biden. On a recent installment of Fox & Friends, Schmitz called out none other than Vice President Kamala Harris, saying she shares equal blame for the disaster. In a remarkable display of accountability—or lack thereof—from the people in power, he suggested that both Biden and Harris are bumbling their way through important policy decisions, which only adds to Americans’ terror of their leadership.

Schmitz’s frustration is not only palpable but also entirely justified. Despite the havoc that has unfolded, Biden has yet to publicly acknowledge the names of the fallen heroes, including his son. It’s hard to believe that a commander-in-chief would neglect to mention the individuals who paid the ultimate price while serving their country. Instead of accountability and honor, we witness Kamala Harris parading around, claiming she was in the room until the bitter end, while simultaneously trying to dodge the consequences of her own missteps. It’s an impressive act of gymnastics that only the Democrats could manage, balancing incompetence and blame in a single breath.

The treatment of military families during this tragic chapter in American history has been nothing short of abominable. Schmitz rightly points out that the silence and lack of accountability from Biden and Harris leave them feeling cheated, with no one held responsible for the mess they created. Instead of accountability, there have been reports of promotions for those who should be reconsidering their career choices, making one wonder if the administration thinks that public relations can patch up the monumental failures of the past.

Beyond mere incompetence, there’s a concerning pattern of deception that has emerged from CENTCOM, the very organization entrusted with the safety and strategies of American troops. Schmitz’s recounting of being led to believe there was no post-blast gunfire following the bombing—which was eventually contradicted by surfaced video evidence—strikes a chord. The repeated lies from those in charge raise questions about whether the truth is a casualty of this administration, sacrificed in the name of saving face.

As the 2024 election cycle heats up, the American public is left wondering if it is too much to expect competence and transparency from its leaders. The narrative of chaos and mismanagement is not just a sad chapter in our history; it poses a grave risk for our military families and the future of our country. With voices like Schmitz’s calling out the incompetence of both Biden and Harris, it becomes clear that the American people will demand answers—something the current administration seems exceedingly reluctant to provide.

Written by Staff Reports

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