
IRS Whistleblowers Draw Hunter Biden’s Legal Wrath!

Hunter Biden, son of President Biden, has taken legal action against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), claiming that whistleblower testimony from IRS agents was intended to humiliate him and violated his right to privacy as a taxpayer. In his lawsuit, Biden argues that when two IRS agents voiced concerns about the mishandling of his investigation by the Justice Department, they revealed information about the inquiry and his taxes that should have remained confidential.

This lawsuit has raised questions and concerns among conservatives, including George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley, who views it as an intimidation tactic against whistleblowers. It is troubling to see someone with political influence using the legal system to go after individuals who expose potential wrongdoings.

The whistleblower testimony in question came from IRS employees Gary Shapley and Joe Ziegler, who testified that Hunter Biden received preferential treatment during his tax evasion investigation. They stated under oath that the investigation was mishandled and influenced by politics. As a result of their testimony, Hunter Biden’s plea deal, which had been announced in June, fell apart in federal court.

While all of this unfolds, Special Counsel David Weiss is once again examining Hunter Biden’s financial matters. Potential charges are looming in California and Washington D.C. It is worth noting that Weiss failed to act promptly during his tenure as Delaware U.S. Attorney, allowing the statute of limitations to expire on a five-year investigation into Hunter Biden’s finances. This has enabled Hunter Biden to evade justice for his alleged tax evasion.

It is crucial for the American public to understand that even those with powerful connections should not be above the law. The fact that Hunter Biden, the son of the sitting president, is suing the IRS and trying to silence whistleblowers raises serious questions about accountability and transparency within our government. It is a stark reminder that political influence can sometimes trump justice.

Written by Staff Reports

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