
JD Vance Exposes $95B Bill as Impeachment Trap for Trump!

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) sounded the alarm on Monday, declaring the $95 billion Senate bill aimed at funding the Ukraine War as a sneaky ploy to set up an “impeachment time bomb” against former President Donald Trump if he wins reelection in November. He called on his Republican colleagues to stand strong and vote against this sneaky, underhanded tactic.

Buried deep within the bill’s mind-numbing text, Vance discovered this treacherous plot to undermine President Trump’s potential second term. The bill would fund Ukraine’s efforts through September 30, 2025, which would creep dangerously close to the beginning of President Trump’s re-election campaign. This is clearly a devious attempt to tie the hands of a possible President Trump and distract from his America First agenda.

Vance’s memo to his fellow Republicans highlighted the sketchy allocation of $1.6 billion for foreign military financing in Ukraine and an additional $13.7 billion for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, funds that eerily mirror those that President Trump was falsely accused of pausing back in 2019. You couldn’t make this up if you tried!

As if that isn’t enough, Vance cautioned that President Trump’s determination to quickly resolve the conflict in Ukraine could still be hampered by this ruse. Any attempt to redirect funds or halt support for the war in Ukraine, even in pursuit of peace, is poised to be twisted into another flimsy excuse for impeachment by partisan Democrats. Imagine the nerve!

Former Trump Acting Director of National Intelligence, Ric Grenell, joined Vance in urging Republicans to yank this impeachment snare from the Senate bill or boldly vote against it. It’s time to expose and put an end to this shameful agenda and these ridiculous secret handcuffs!

The Senate is set to vote on this controversial bill on Monday, and it’s a call to action for every Republican to stand strong against this deceitful manipulation. It’s time to fight back against this blatant attempt to undermine a potential President Trump and the will of the American people. Stand firm, Republicans, and let’s expose and defeat this shameless ploy once and for all!

Written by Staff Reports

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