
Kim Jong-Un’s Sister THREATENS America With ICBM

Politican Kim Yo-Jong, who is the sister of North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un, released a series of threats and insults on Tuesday, suggesting that the country might soon launch an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) toward the Pacific Ocean.

As a vice director of the Workers' Party's Central Committee, Kim was responsible for issuing a statement through the KCNA, which is a government-run news agency.

This was apparent in response to the lack of response from the international community after North Korea claimed to have developed a military intelligence satellite.

In her statement, Kim stated that she was getting tired of hearing South Koreans talking about their differences with North Korea. They kept on doing so even after the year ended.

She referred to the criticism of the photos as a "chattering sparrow" and said that experts who dismissed them were getting paid for their analysis.

She also questioned why South Koreans would think that North Korea's test results were highly criticized after it released a low-resolution image of it.

She also referred to the speculation that North Korea was lying about its alleged development of a military satellite. It was actually testing an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.

She was curious to see if the international community believed North Korea's claims that it developed the satellite in order to develop its long-range missile technology. She also objected to previous reports, which stated that due to the Kim regime's secrecy, military observers could not be certain about the capabilities of North Korea's alleged ICBMs.

Since it has developed intercontinental ballistic missiles with a high angle of attack, North Korea has been testing them to ensure that they don't land in China or accidentally bomb other countries. However, due to their unusual flight angles, military observers have stated that they cannot confirm if these missiles are truly capable of reaching the US. In response to critics, Kim stated that the country's military might soon launch a missile that can shoot a weapon toward the US.

In her statement, she referred to the claims that North Korea's ICBM test could not be verified using high-angle launch since they would likely impair its strategic weapons capabilities. She claimed that this argument could be proved by demonstrating it using real-angle shots.

According to Kim, experts would immediately recognize the potential of North Korea's new intercontinental ballistic missiles if they launch them at a real angle.
She stated that North Korea needed to develop various offensive and ballistic weapons in order to protect its territorial integrity. This was regarded as a threat by South Koreans.

According to Cheon Seong-hwun, a former director of a North Korean think tank, the country's territorial integrity is an extension of the ideology of its founder, Kim Il Sung. He said that North Korea's goal is to reunify the Korean Peninsula under its control. This is because the country considers South Korea as part of its territory.

Kim ended her rant by accusing “stupid” international experts of “barking.”

She referred to the fact that North Koreans aren't dogs and claimed that they only bark to arouse their anger. She also wondered how the experts could benefit from their constant behavior.

The threats made by Kim Jong-un's daughter, Kim Yo-jong, come after a very hostile year for North Korea. In addition to conducting multiple missile tests, it claimed to have developed a new ICBM. It also introduced the world to its youngest daughter, who it claims is the future leader's daughter.
Joe Biden, the US president, has not been able to maintain a positive relationship with North Korea since he took office.

The US and South Korea held joint military air drills on Tuesday, which they claimed were aimed at sending a message of readiness to North Korea. According to South Korea's Yonhap News Agency, some of the planes that took part in the exercise were F-22 stealth fighters and B-52 bombers. The Defense Ministry of South Korea stated that the exercise was carried out to send a message of “enormous deterrence” to North Korea.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on BREITBART.

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