
Librarians Cry Out for Safety in Lawless San Francisco

San Francisco librarians took to the streets to demand better security measures in their workplace, arguing that they are often left to deal with dangerous situations all on their own. The lack of security guards in most of the city’s 28 library locations has left these dedicated librarians vulnerable to violent outbursts from unruly patrons. While the liberals in charge turn a blind eye to these safety concerns, conservative common sense dictates that trained security guards should be stationed at every location to ensure the safety of both staff and visitors.

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1021, which represents over 60,000 workers in various sectors, is standing in solidarity with the brave librarians who are demanding better protection. It’s no surprise that San Francisco, with its lenient approach to crime and lawlessness, has one of the highest crime rates in the country. The rampant violent crime, including assaults and robberies, is a clear indicator of the failure of the liberal policies that have run amok in the city for far too long.

In response to the escalating crime wave, San Francisco has been forced to backtrack on its soft-on-crime initiatives, a trend that other liberal cities like New York City and Washington, D.C. are also facing. The chaos and disorder that have gripped these cities following the misguided Black Lives Matter protests of 2020 are a stark reminder of the dire consequences of coddling criminals and neglecting law and order. It’s about time these cities toughened up and put the safety and well-being of their law-abiding citizens first.

Not only is San Francisco grappling with soaring crime rates, but it’s also drowning in a sea of literal filth, with reports of human waste littering the streets on the rise. The city’s homelessness crisis continues to worsen, reflecting the utter failure of the liberal leadership to address the root causes of this social breakdown. It’s high time for a conservative overhaul in San Francisco to restore law and order, clean up the streets, and provide a safe environment for all residents.

Written by Staff Reports

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