
New Poll Reveals Trump Loyalty Among GOP Voters

According to the New York Post, US Border Patrol agents are frustrated with the situation along the southern border. They noted that they are not able to effectively monitor the situation.

"Brandon Judd, the president of the National Border Patrol Council, said that they are frustrated with how long it has taken for Biden to address the situation along the border. He noted that the president should have addressed the issue years ago."

According to Judd, the morale of the agents is low due to the high number of immigrants that they have had to deal with over the past couple of years.

In fiscal year 2022, over two million migrants crossed the southern border illegally.

He stated that the president's visit to the border was two years late. He attributed the delay to the emergence of the Democrats, such as New York City Mayor Eric Adams, as well as the governor of Colorado.

Before a summit meeting between the leaders of the countries in Mexico City, Biden visited El Paso, which is a city in Texas that has been experiencing a significant increase in the number of migrants crossing the border.

A survey conducted by the Harris Interactive revealed that the Republican voters are split between those who prefer candidates who are more likely to conduct themselves in a personal manner and those who are more likely to do so than Trump.

The survey also revealed that over 60% of Republican voters want candidates to share the same views as Donald Trump when it comes to the events that occurred on January 6, 2021.

The survey also asked the respondents if they think that the Department Of Justice should bring charges against Trump for his actions on January 6.

Almost three-quarters of Republican respondents said that Trump shouldn't be charged, while 13% believe that he should. A total of 14% said they weren't sure or didn't hear enough about it.

The survey was conducted by CBS News-YouGov from January 4 to 6. It had a margin of error of around 2.9 percentage points.

The results of the survey were released following the midterm elections in November, which saw Republicans regain control of the House.

In November, Trump officially launched his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024.

The results of the YouGov survey revealed that inflation is the most important issue that Congress should address.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on News Max.

Written by Staff Reports

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