
NY Democrat Stands With Hero Marine Daniel Penny, Exposes Racial Bias

Former New York Governor David Paterson, a Democrat, has shocked the nation by coming out in support for former Marine and hero Daniel Penny, who saved countless lives on a subway train in New York earlier this month. Mr. Penny had put Jordan Neely, a dangerous criminal and a threat to passengers, in a chokehold, resulting in Neely’s loss of consciousness and eventual death. In a disturbing move, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has since filed charges against Penny, who turned himself in on Friday.

In an exclusive interview, Governor Paterson disputed the validity of the charges, stating that Penny did not commit a crime and should never have been charged with manslaughter. Perhaps suggesting that District Attorney Bragg has a racial bias, Paterson further argued that minorities’ deaths in controversial circumstances are why he is currently facing charges. Paterson emphasized that Penny’s actions were not malicious and that he was only trying to prevent any harm coming to his fellow passengers.

Governor Paterson maintains that Penny did nothing illegal and, therefore, the charges against him should be dropped immediately. He also pointed out that the victim, Jordan Neely, had a history of mental illness, and while his death was tragic, it was not intended to be an execution. Left-wing activists in New York City have, predictably, used this case to ignite protests against the police and call for an end to law and order in the city.

Despite all of the vitriol being hurled at Mr. Penny by the radical left, the nation has shown its support by raising over $2 million on a GiveSendGo fundraiser to help him with any legal fees and future lawsuits that may arise. Any excess funds from that fundraiser will go into a mental health advocacy program in NYC.

It is truly sad to see someone like Mr. Penny being punished for trying to do the right thing, but that’s the state of affairs in our country today. Thankfully, we have heroes like him willing to put their lives in jeopardy to protect the innocent. We must stand behind them and push back against any attempts to criminalize their brave actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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