
Ocasio-Cortez Calls for Government Censorship of Fox News Host

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) revealed yet another attack on conservative media, this time crying out for federal government censorship of Fox News hosts. During a recent interview with MSNBC host Jen Psaki, Ocasio-Cortez claimed that the federal government needs to start censoring Fox News hosts for incitement, specifically mentioning events like the Capitol riot on January 6th.

When asked by Psaki about whether or not media and social media platforms should be held accountable for incitement, Ocasio-Cortez quickly diverted attention to Fox News, arguing that the network is subject to federal law and regulation when it comes to what they are allowed to air. She went on to claim that Fox News hosts like Tucker Carlson incite violence, conveniently ignoring the fact that she has previously called for violence against political opponents.

But despite her hypocritical double standards, Ocasio-Cortez insisted that conservative voices need to be silenced and regulated under the guise of accountability. The New York Democrat accused Fox News of allowing individuals to say whatever they want on air, which supposedly led to the January 6th riot. She claimed that there are “very real issues with what is permissible on air,” arguing that the federal government needs to “navigate questions” about freedom of speech and accountability for incitement of violence.

It’s no surprise that Ocasio-Cortez’s call for censorship was met with heavy criticism, even on social media where the clip of the exchange went viral. Yet again, the left shows their true colors by pushing for censorship of opposing viewpoints. Fox News has been a thorn in the side of liberals for years, simply because it provides fair and balanced coverage of news and events, unlike many liberal biased news outlets, and now they want to silence it completely. If Ocasio-Cortez gets her way, the First Amendment will be under attack, and with it, the fundamental premise of free speech in our country.

Source: Townhall

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