
Ohio Mayor Endorses Trump and Slams Biden over Catastrophic Train Derailment!

Mayor of Ohio town endorses Donald Trump with a swift blow to President Biden’s face. In the annual Lincoln Day Dinner, Mayor Trent Conaway took to the stage to receive recognition for his outstanding leadership during the catastrophic train derailment that destroyed the town, affecting countless people.

Conaway, being one of those patriotic Americans, was disappointed with the President’s lack of compassion for his unfortunate constituents. During his speech, he jokingly referred to President Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, for not visiting the site, suggesting they were too busy attending to other tasks that may have been deemed more important.

But, the comedic relief was short-lived, for he quickly gave credit where credit was due. He praised Eric Trump, who stepped up and provided assistance when it was needed. Conaway commended Trump’s genuine kindness and desire to help others. Without the Trump family, the situation could have been far worse.

While Joe Biden promised to visit, he failed to deliver, and instead, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg graced them with his presence. Biden’s lack of action during this devastating time signifies something far more eerie about this administration.

Additionally, Congress conducted hearings where first responders testified about their inability to contain the hazardous waste being spilled. It’s a reminder that policies matter and electing the wrong candidate for office can have dire consequences. If President Trump were still in office, situations like these would be handled with precision and ease.

But, the final decision is in the hands of the American people, and they must make it a priority to vote for Donald Trump. His leadership is unmatched, and he will always prioritize the safety and wellbeing of Americans. With Mayor Conaway behind him, this is the candidate America needs.

Written by Staff Reports

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