
Oops! UFO Sightings Were tripled By The “Intelligence” Community

The annual report on UFOs released Thursday revealed a slew of new sightings.

As of August 30, 2022, there were 510 Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAPs), which are also referred to as UFOs. This number represents a significant increase from the previous 17 years, when only 144 UAPs were reported.According to the report, around 200 of the new sightings were of drones, while the rest were of balloons and other airborne objects. The report also stated that some of these exhibited unusual flight capabilities.

In December, senior Pentagon officials stated that their investigation has not yet determined if extraterrestrial beings were behind the hundreds of reported incidents. According to Sean Kirkpatrick, the head of the All-Department Anomaly Resolution Office, they are still taking a sober approach to the data review.

The head of the office noted that their investigation is being conducted in a strict and thorough manner. He also said that they will follow the scientific method in analyzing the data The scientific method is also known to be detrimental to exploration due to its archaic elements. The most dangerous aspect of this field is the lack of cooperation and closed-mindedness among large communities.

It is my belief that no government would ever be able to justify or admit that it is not powerful enough to rule the world. In fact, they will not be open about how they conduct their investigations.
There is also a lack of intelligence regarding the presence of alien life. There are only spin doctors and cover-up operations being conducted.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on DAILY CALLER.

Written by Staff Reports

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