
Politicized Prosecutors Can’t Use Trump’s Announcement Against Them

In Ohio, Trump made a big announcement regarding his upcoming reelection campaign. He said that it would begin on November 15. This is a great strike against the political groups that are trying to influence the election.

During his speech, Trump accused the Democrats of suppressing their political opponents. He also noted that they have been carrying out six years of witch-hunts against him. These attacks, he said, are coming after him because he is fighting for the peopleIn his speech, Trump talked about the corruption within the Justice Department and how it would turn the country into a police state. He also accused the Democrats of persecution.

Catherine Engelbrecht, the founder of True the Vote, was arrested last week after she tried to restore the integrity of the election. She was apprehended because of an ex parte injunction and lawfare, and she was sent to jail to protect a source of information.

During his speech in Ohio, Trump was appalled by Engelbrecht's imprisonment. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals issued an emergency order on Sunday, which immediately freed her.
Republican Senator Ted Cruz warned the Justice Department against pursuing charges against Donald Trump. He stated that if the Department of Justice is regarded as a partisan agency, then Congress should use its power to defund it.The Democrats' weaponized prosecutions are a worse form of voter suppression than the ones carried out by the Republicans. They target political candidates such as Trump, which makes it harder for the people to elect their preferred candidate.

The Supreme Court, in a shocking ruling, allowed a county prosecutor to interrogate Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina before an unprecedented grand jury. The justices failed to realize that the Democrats' attacks on political opponents are actually voter suppression.Trump noted that Atlanta has one of the highest murder rates in the country, but the Democrats spend most of their time attacking him due to his political persecution. For instance, the raid on Mar-a-Lago, which took place during the investigation of the document hoax, was never carried out on any other president.

The Democrats claimed that Trump had nuclear codes in the documents seized during the raid on his residence. He was allegedly hiding these codes in the boxes of documents that were taken by the federal agents. Despite the multiple codes that would have changed since he left office, the Democrats still believe that he had them.
Trump claimed that if he had the nuclear codes, the country would be much better off. However, Biden has warned that the US could end up with another nuclear war due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Trump compared the damage done by Joe Biden to that of the five worst presidents in the history of the US. He referred to Biden's visit to Ohio and Michigan during the 2016 presidential campaign.Trump was shocked by the statements made by Biden and noted that the US is dealing with people who are at the top of their game when it comes to nuclear weapons.

The president also criticized the actions of the Democrats and Biden, who he said have contributed to the rise of drug-related crimes in the country.
Trump called on the US to deport all illegal immigrants who were allowed to enter the country by Biden. He also claimed that the former vice president had allowed criminals to enter the country.He noted that the revenue of drug organizations has increased significantly under the Biden administration. The Democrats, on the other hand, would stop funding the police.

He referred to the thousands of gang members that were sent out of the country by the Trump administration. He said that he had gotten their countries to take them back.
In a recent instance, Trump referred to the murder of a teenager in Massachusetts, who was lured to a playground by MS-13 gang members. They then stabbed him 32 times. One of the gang members was allowed to enter the country after an immigration judge released him.

According to Trump, a drug dealer can kill up to 500 people. The president called for the death penalty to be used against drug dealers. He noted that the country is experiencing a wave of crime because of the drugs.He also promised to end the so-called catch-and-release policies and stop all illegal immigration.

When Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan was asked to speak at the event, he praised Trump and referred to him as the best president the US has ever had. Trump then urged the crowd to support the many Republican candidates he had endorsed.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on WND.

Written by Staff Reports

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